Bread · Uncategorized · Yeast Bread

Marmalade Chocolate Hot Cross Buns

Spices, candied orange peel and a decadent ball of chocolate ganache make these marmalade chocolate  hot cross buns outstanding. My sister always hated raisins. She thought they looked too much like chocolate chips so it was deceptive to use them. I’ve never shared my sister’s dislike for raisins but I do love chocolate and orange.… Continue reading Marmalade Chocolate Hot Cross Buns

Cakes · cheesecakes

Chocolate Lover’s Cheesecake

Fudge Oreo cookies surround creamy chocolate chocolate chip cheesecake. Top this with rich chocolate ganache and you’ll see why we call this Chocolate Lover’s Cheesecake! Today is my last day with an oven for 2 weeks. I’m moving out of my apartment tomorrow and donating my oven to a church. I’m pretty sure I’ll be… Continue reading Chocolate Lover’s Cheesecake